Reactivate Your Business

Effective June 5, most businesses required to close under the public health order can reopen!


As a business owner/manager in Nova Scotia, we know you’re working hard to reactivate your business to protect the health and safety of customers, staff, and the general public.  To help guide you to the solution that works best for your business, we’ve assembled a series of resources from national and provincial organizations that will give you the tools you need to move forward in the new COVID-19 reality.  For more information on government support, advocacy and programs, visit our COVID-19 Resource Page.


An excellent place to begin are with the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety free tip sheets (linked in the first block below). These documents provide health and safety tips for both workers and employers and are specific to each industry or sector.  Additional resources from both public and private sector organizations are included to give you as much guidance as possible. All of the resources assembled here have been vetted by Chamber staff and in many cases are being referenced as best practices by federal and/or provincial public health officials.


Industry associations can submit their plans to government for approval at
Questions on protocols, re-opening plans, and current health guidelines can also be sent to this email address.



Workplace Safety
If COVID-19 is identified as a potential workplace hazard, parties have the duty to develop internal process to reduce risk to their staff. Employees should raise their concerns with their immediate supervisor / manager or Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Those who have specific questions about safe working conditions, and whether LAE will continue to inspect worksites and schedule technical safety exams, should consult the department’s Safety Branch.


Labour Standards – Pay and Job Security
The NS Labour Standards Code provides job protection for employees who are unable to perform work due to an emergency as defined under the Code, including the recent Order. For specific questions about pay, job security and layoffs contact LAE’s Labour Standards Division or 1-888-315-0110.


NSBI Launches the Nova Scotia Consultant Directory
Nova Scotia companies experiencing setbacks due to COVID-19 and who could benefit from professional advice may now be able to find a consultant of their choosing through NSBI’s new Consultant Directory. NSBI will continue to add consultants to the Directory until May 31. Business consultants interested in being listed on the Directory can fill in the Consultant Directory Submission Form. So far, over 400 submissions have been received and Consultants will continue to be added as they are approved by NSBI.


While the Directory will support existing NSBI programs, consultants do not need to be listed on the Consultant Directory to be part of the COVID-19 Business Continuity Voucher Program, or any other NSBI program. The Directory is meant to be a helpful, self-service tool for companies and consultants to use at their own discretion.


Nova Scotia Tender Notice
Are you a business that can supply products and service in support of Nova Scotia’s response to COVID-19? If so, we want to hear from you. A procurement portal has been developed and includes a list of products and services we’re looking for. Get Listed!


Tourism Accommodations Registry
The registry is now open for hosts to register their accommodations with the province of Nova Scotia. Click Here to access the Registry. However, in response to COVID-19 hosts will not have to pay a registration fee for 2020-21. In addition, the marketing platform registration page is also live here!

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